
Humiliation as a justification for group rage by Charles Strozier and Deborah Mart

The humiliation serves as a justification for group rage, violence, and righteous action.

L’humiliation sert de justification à la rage groupale, à la violence, et à l’acte réparateur.

STROZIER Charles B, MART Deborah, « The Politics of Constructed Humiliation. Psychoanalytic Perspectives on War, Terrorism and Genocide », Research in Psychoanalysis, 2017/1 (N° 23), p. 29
DOI : 10.3917/rep1.023.0027
URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-research-in-psychoanalysis-2017-1-page-27.htm


Turning defeat into a cause of celebratory violence by Charles Strozier and Deborah Mart

There are lots of postwar contexts historically that have left hundreds of thousands, even millions, dead, cities destroyed, and social life in chaos without stirring the rise of apocalyptic leaders who thrive on turning defeat into a cause of celebratory violence.

Car, historiquement, bien des contextes d’après-guerre, avec leurs millions de morts, leurs villes détruites et leur vie sociale au bord du chaos, n’ont pas conduit sur le devant de la scène des chefs apocalyptiques dont l’ascension se nourrissait d’une conversion de la défaite en mobile d’une violence commémorative.

STROZIER Charles B, MART Deborah, « The Politics of Constructed Humiliation. Psychoanalytic Perspectives on War, Terrorism and Genocide », Research in Psychoanalysis, 2017/1 (N° 23), p. 29
DOI : 10.3917/rep1.023.0027
URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-research-in-psychoanalysis-2017-1-page-27.htm


The other in the soul’s life by Sigmund Freud

In the individual’s soul’s life, the Other is invariably involved, as a model, as an object, as a helper and as an oppponent.

My own translation, wich is already a lacanian interpretation.

In the individual’s mental life someone else is invariably involved, as a model, as an object, as a helper, as an opponent.

Translated from german byJames Strachey

Dans la vie d’âme de l’individu, l’autre entre en ligne de compte très régulièrement comme modèle, comme objet, comme aide et comme adversaire.

FREUD S., Psychologie des masses et analyse du moi (1921), PUF, Paris, 2010, p. 5