We thus come to the end of a long demonstration, which has proved to the fullest extent possible that F is devoid of any soul, that it/she has no more self than individuality, no more personality than freedom, and no more character than will.
Nous arrivons ainsi au terme d’une longue démonstration, qui a prouvé on ne peut plus largement que F est dépourvu de toute âme, qu’il n’a pas plus de moi que d’individualité, pas plus de personnalité que de liberté, et pas plus de caractère que de volonté.
Here, F refers to the femal part of the human beings. Weininger pictured each human owning a part of F added to a part of H, the male part. In his quite insane demonstration, Weininger presented the woman owing a bigger part of F.
Weininger, O. Sexe et Caractère (1903) (Editions l’age d’homme). Trad. D. Renaud. Editions l’age d’homme. Lausanne, 1975, p. 174
Disclaimer : The works of Weininger are to read knowing the terrible destcruction power they supported, after his own death, against Jewish People, and against Women in general. His texts are sources to understand the common roots between antismetism and antifeminism.