
Most common reasons for not reporting GBV by Palermo, Bleck, Peterman

The most common reasons [for not reporting GBV] were embarrassment (25% in Bolivia and 41% in Cambodia) and a belief that there was no use in reporting (47% in Cameroon and 30% in Mali). Other reasons included a belief that violence was a normal part of life that women must bear and various concerns for the well-being of others.

Les raisons les plus courantes [pour ne pas signaler une GBV] sont l’embarras (25 % en Bolivie et 41 % au Cambodge) et la conviction qu’il est inutile de signaler la violence (47 % au Cameroun et 30 % au Mali). Parmi les autres raisons, citons la conviction que la violence est un élément normal de la vie que les femmes doivent supporter et diverses préoccupations pour le bien-être d’autrui.

Tia Palermo, Jennifer Bleck, and Amber Peterman
Tip of the Iceberg: Reporting and Gender-Based Violence in Developing Countries
American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 179, No. 5
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwt295
December 12, 2013